Family Baljet

Welkom on the family website of Baljet.

Dear Baljet member,

Theo [Theodore 624] and my uncle Anton [Anthony Peter 134] have spent a lot of time in figuring out and perfecting our family tree.
The years before the death of Theo, we have invested a lot of time updating the family tree and also making and distributing the color version of the Baljet Gazet.

Most Gazets are now on our website. However in Dutch.
Not long after the death of Theo I start having my own health matters [diabetes and heart failure]. Last year, I spent 3 months in the hospital [close to death] .During these period I was lacking the enthusiasm to pick up these things again.

It was Theo’s wish that I should keep our family tree for posterity update.
Have recently begun to digitize, still in my possession,  Gazets and publish on this website. There are still missing a few, but they are soon delivered.

The Gazets are public. The pedigree is only accessible to Baljetten [or by marriage] who join me with their email. After that you will receive an invitation through My Heritage and then you can then look into the family tree. In order to avoid errors in the pedigree you cannot adjust or change anything. This can only be done by the administrator of the website. On top of the heritage page you can change the language from Dutch into English.

Modifications, omissions, photo’s and the like can be sent to These will then be included in the family tree. Specially from our family living outside The Netherlands we are lacking information.

You will see that we can process a lot of information, documents and photographs.
Health information can only be viewed by the respective families. Please note that this is important information for your offspring.
I rely on your cooperation.

Gazet: My last made Gazet is that of October 2003. Eugeene Baljet [Leusden] has attempted to continue  the Gazet. Due to his busy activities it is not easy to make a family magazine. The last he made Gazet is also online.

A continuation of the Gazet will probably not come yet. However, I do want to mention facts go on the site. I do need your help. Is there anything you want to share with your family Baljet send me your copy, preferably with illustrations.

I hope you enjoy our website

Read more about Baljet Gazet, our fun family newspaper!
Take also a look at our  Family Tree ( registration is required )